School Savings

School Savings

Our school savings schemes are designed to get primary and secondary school children into the habit of saving. The schemes work like mini Credit Unions, run in schools - in many cases by the children themselves.

School savings schemes are supervised by an adult (normally a teacher or parent), and operate like one of our collection points. Each school decides its own opening hours and every school is different.

Creating good habits

Creating good habits

The schemes focus on developing financial awareness and getting children used to handling financial transactions.

We encourage children to save towards a target - whether that's a new laptop to help with studies, or a car for when they turn 17 - getting them into a habit of saving regularly which will follow them into adulthood.

Get involved

If you want to get a school saving scheme started in your school - or even if you're just not sure if you've got one or not, send us a few details and we'll be in touch.

Once your account is open, you can pay money in through BACS, standing order, from your payroll, or just in cash.

Their innovative schools programme is helping young people to learn financial responsibility at a young age and for their adult members they offer budgeting advice and guidance as well as savings and access to affordable loans.

Emily Harrison, Credit Union Foundation Manager

Professional support

Each school savings scheme is supported by Celtic Credit Union. As well as  administering the scheme, the credit union delivers training to pupils and teachers, and raises awareness.

We also provide support to promote the scheme, including attending summer fetes and fairs.